Sunday, November 14, 2010

(For Real Now) And the winner is....

Sorry for the delay GRD fans, but we did conduct the t-shirt drawing this afternoon.

Thanks to all of you who became followers (or stayed a follower- ha ha) and left a comment!

We let a very cute crew member do the honors...

And the winner is...

Congratulations, Dee!!! We will give you your t-shirt at the show on Saturday, or if you cannot make it, we will be happy to mail it to Gladys for you.
Didn't win this time? Don't worry, because we will be having a Facebook contest this stay tuned!


  1. I rather have a hug and kiss from your crew

  2. Way to go Dee!!! I am like Aunt Jenni, I'll settle for a hug and kiss from that cute little fellow who drew the names!!!!
