Sunday, October 31, 2010

Meet the Band: Jaclyn Johnson

What does a busy working mother of two children (Brooklyn- 5 and Jake- 1) do when she has a few free moments in her week? Start a band, of course!

How did you start playing with GRD? My husband (lead singer, Chad) and I were leading the Sunday evening worship service at First Lutheran Church. We enjoyed playing together (and really clicked with) the other musicians/worship leaders, so we wanted to try something "more" with our music.

Why do you play with GRD? Not only is it a wonderful way to spread God's word, but it's also a great opportunity to spend time with my husband and some of our best friends.

Pet Peeve? Having two children, I can't really afford to have a lot annoy me. :-) I'm becoming more flexible with age.

Hobbies: blogging, scrapbooking, knitting, playing with my kids

Proudest Moment: Marrying my high school sweetheart and bringing two healthy, beautiful children into this world

Most interesting place ever visited: Germany and Austria (specifically all the spots on The Sound of Music tour)

What do you want to be when you grow up? I am living in the moment and enjoying life as a full-time Membership Manager for the Girl Scouts, as well as being a full-time wife and mom at home.

What inspires you? When people do things solely out of the goodness of their heart, expecting nothing in return

What makes you smile? Brooklyn and Jake can definitely make me smile with their funny faces and crazy noises. And I married a pretty funny guy, too. :-)

Favorite Vacation Spots: Disney World, New York City, anywhere on a Carnival Cruise Ship, and Ocean Isle Beach

Favorite GRD Song of the moment: Lifted

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Meet the Band: Jason Diehl

"Nothing has been made more apparent to me in these past few months than the truth that completely relying on God and trusting in His plan is how prayers are answered. God knows what is best for you always and will guide you in the right direction if you let go of the human desire to be in control of everything and let Him work in your life."

What absolutely true words spoken by our right-handed drummer, Jason Diehl! Born in Greensboro, NC in June or December (depending on whether you ask his mom or Facebook), Jason is what keeps GRD young and current! When he's not spending time with his family (mom, dad, brother, sister, 3 aunts, 2 uncles, a dog, and a cat), you may find Jason eating his favorite treat (applesauce), watching movies, playing/coaching soccer, visiting Smith Mountain Lake, or "reading" books on tape.
Here's a little bit more about the man behind the drum kit...
How did you start playing with GRD? It all started with a Confirmation assignment to help get the youth more involved in activities in the church. This lead me to volunteer as a musician in the Sunday night worship service in order to satisfy my "requirements." I guess I just overachieved it.
Why did you start playing with GRD? I really enjoyed drumming for the Shout service and really saw GRD as a different outlet for ministry through music that stretched beyond the walls of the sanctuary.
Favorite band? It really varies from week to week but I steadily enjoy listening to Dave Matthews Band (because I secretly want to be Carter Beauford).
Pet Peeve? I hate it when radio stations coordinate their commercials so that every pre-set station in my car is nothing but commercials and no music.
Most interesting place you have ever visited? China was definitely an experience.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I am trying to avoid adulthood at all costs.
What inspires you? Seeing people letting go of their fears and achieving something great
Most Embarrassing Moment? During my graduate school interview, my stomach kept growling at every possible silence.
Proudest Moment? Graduating from Elon University
What makes you smile? Others smiling
Favorite GRD Song of the Moment? Surround Me

Friday, October 29, 2010

Let us introduce you to...

Reagan Nichole Clendenin was born at 2:18pm this afternoon at 6 pounds 13 ounces. Mom, Dad, and Baby are all doing great, and proud daddy, Brandon, allowed us to share this precious picture of this precious baby girl.

Congratulations, Clendenin family! We love you and are so happy that Reagan is here!

We interrupt meeting the band... bring you some exciting news!

Brandon is currently at the hospital awaiting the birth of his second baby girl.

We'll update when we know more!

Praying for you and Audrey, B!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meet the Band: Chad Johnson

Meet the man behind that killer voice!

Chad Johnson is a 33 year old husband to Jaclyn (GRD vocalist) and father to Brooklyn (5 1/2) and Jake (1). Though he has lived in Greensboro his whole life, he loves to vacation- especially to the beach and New York City! Around Greensboro, you may find this right-handed acoustic guitarist playing with his kids, playing a round of golf, or meeting friends for a "big nasty cheeseburger!"

Listening to other Christian artists inspires Chad, and favorite artists include the Robbie Seay Band, Chris Tomlin, and Casting Crowns.

Here is a few more tidbits about Chad in his own words...

How did you start playing with GRD? I joined the band in the very beginning after playing together at our Sunday evening services called "Shout."

Why do you love playing with GRD? I have a passion to share with people the word of God and playing with GRD is the best outlet for that.

What is your pet peeve? Dealing with my own "uptightness"

What do you want to be when you grow up? Christian singer

Most embarassing moment? In college, I stepped out of a jeep front-first, and my jeans got caught on the Jeep's door, hanging me from the Jeep while students walked by on their way to class.

Proudest Moment? My college graduation; Seeing both of my kids' births

Favorite GRD song at the moment? Believe

What makes you smile? My kids

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meet the Band: Luke Bump

Who is a steak and burger eating, Nirvana music playing, beach loving lead guitarist? It's Luke Bump, lead (electric) guitarist for GRD!

This 34 year old, right-handed Ohio native grew up in a rather large family- he has 2 brothers and 3 sisters! Now, Luke is husband to Emily (GRD vocalist) and father to Zoe (4) , soon-to-be-born baby boy, and brand new puppy, Jack.

Luke tells you more about himself below...

How did you start playing with GRD? I was playing music with the Shout! team- just a couple of acoustic guitars at first.

Why did you start playing in the band, GRD? I was already playing with Shout! and then we all kind of stumbled into this band. Grace Reigns Down was a CD title at first. Somewhere along the way, we decided to make that our band name. I thought that I was being called to witness more and my tool for witnessing is this band. I love every minute we're jammin' for Jesus!!

Pet peeve? Empty dirty cups left in the car!! For days sometimes!

Hobbies (other than GRD): Playing music any place, any time. I also like graphic art.

Most interesting place you have ever visited: Jamaica. It was crazy to see the difference between rich and poor down there. It was very eye opening.

What do you want to be when you grow up? A musician.

What inspires you? Music. Also people who are very strong in their faith.

Most embarrassing moment? Probably jamming 1/3 of "Blessed Be Your Name" WITHOUT the capo at a concert for the church. I was standing there thinking . . . . . . . . something sounds really awful!! It was me . . . . . . . . .oopps.

Proudest Moment: When my daughter was born (and soon to be here son's birth)

Favorite GRD song at the moment: "Believe" - which is so new it's not on the EP. As far as songs on the CD, I really like "Teach Me." I actually really like them ALL!

What makes you smile? Hearing my daughter or wife laugh uncontrollably.

Anything else you want to add? Just to ask that everyone pray for Grace Reigns Down and ask God to use us according to His will. Pray that we will have the opportunity to spread the name of Jesus and His love everywhere we can. To make sure that it's all about God. Thanks so much!

Thanks, Luke!

Come see Luke LIVE in concert at our CD Release Concert on Saturday, November 20th at 6:00pm at First Lutheran Church (3600 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro).

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meet the Band: Brandon Clendenin

For those of you who have barely heard of GRD, you probably are interested in knowing a bit more about the members behind the music. But even if you see us every week, I bet you will learn something new through these new posts not-so-uniquely titled, Meet the Band!

Today's post focuses on our favorite bass player (and yours!)...Brandon Clendenin!

Brandon is a thirty year old husband to Audrey and father of 2 girls- Callie (2) and Reagan (birth coming VERY soon!). Born and raised in Greensboro, NC, Brandon currently has a strange addiction to Wheat Thins and aversion to the cello. This right-handed man loves visiting Aruba and Chicago (in the summer) and listening to the Robbie Seay Band and Incubus.
Here is more about Brandon in his own words...
How did you start playing with GRD? I began attending the Shout evening service at FLC about 5 years ago when Luke and Emily invited my wife and I to visit the church. We fell in love with the connection we felt at FLC. Shortly after, Chad and Luke asked if I would be willing to play the bass at the Shout service. It was a good fit and we all played very well together. A couple of years later we were all at an FLC retreat. We were jamming one evening in an upstairs fellowship hall and came up with the idea to start writing our own original music. We have been writing and playing together ever since.
Why do you love playing with GRD? I felt a further calling to take the chemistry we already had together as musicians and utilize our talents by spreading God's word.
Any Hobbies (other than GRD)? What else is there besides GRD??!!
Most interesting place you have ever visited: McIver Education Center. I have never been to a more humbling and gratifying place. The kids are wonderful and the memories hold a special place in my heart.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A better man
What inspires you? The love and patience of my wife
Most embarrassing moment? In retrospect...The way I proposed to my wife. Classy!
Proudest Moment? The birth of my daughters
Favorite GRD song at the moment? Grace Reigns Down
What makes you smile? My girls...and pumpkin pie...but mainly my girls...and when the Tarheels / Panthers win

Thursday, October 21, 2010

GRD sings for hunger!

Hey GRD fans! Sorry we have been absent lately from the blog. Busy times right now, both musically and personally. We've had a few small shows the past few weeks, but our biggest show of the year is always the Greensboro CropWalk for Hunger. We played for a crowd of several hundred last weekend, and the day was just overall fabulous! Here are some shots from last Sunday's show thanks to our friend, Lauren!